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Fiddler’s Earrings – Botanical print circles

Once the clay was rolled to the correct thickness a disk was cut out. From this the smaller circle was cut out of the larger to make the two earrings. While the clay was still wet the print was underglazed onto the clay using a silk screen stencil. Both earrings are hung on handmade copper findings.

The fiddler’s earrings are inspired by necessity. When I play the fiddle I often get my left earring caught in the chin rest and end up taking one earring out. Each pair of fiddlers earring has a longer one for the right ear and a shorter/stud for the left hand side. Although these are inspired by the fiddle they are perfect for any upper string player, or just those who love mismatched earrings.

Each one of my earrings is hand crafted and individual. I start by rolling and cutting out the earthenware clay, enjoying the freedom of creating different shapes. Once I have smoothed the edges the clay is left to dry (thankfully this is a bit quicker than with big pots!) and then fired. Then comes the fun of choosing the colours – bold mixtures!

Once the earrings are fired I hand make each earring finding, loops and hooks to best suit the shape. I use bare copper which naturally oxidises over time, giving it a lovely rustic look which really makes the ceramics pop.

The longer earring is 8.5cm and the shorter one is 5.5cm long, both hang on a 3.5cm hook.


How about something different?
